Andrew Bailey

Andrzej Piwnicki

Andrzej Piwnicki - Poland

Search Engine Optimization often offer SEO as a stand-alone service or as a part of a larger marketing campaign. Because effective SEO can require making changes to the source code of a site, it is often very helpful when incorporated into the initial development and design of a site, leading to the use of the term "Search Engine" Friendly" to describe designs, menus, content management systems and shopping carts that can be optimized easily and effectively.

Imagine an orchestra at a concert with the guitarist strumming a guitar with broken strings and the drummer drumming with broken drumsticks. Imagine the face of the conductor with a broken baton and all the worst fears and dreams in world coming true accompanied with a cacophony in the name of symphony. Music? Precisely the reason why your website on the Internet should be optimized.

Andrzej Piwnicki